Automate Workflows
with Swarms of
AI Agents

Strengthen your competitiveness, accelerate innovation cycles, and enhance the efficiency of your engineering teams.

Transform your manual processes today.

Automate repetitive tasks and empower your team.

Free up  your engineers to innovate.

Boost Productivity

With RAGNA, you're not just automating tasks - you're unlocking your team's full potential and paving the way for future innovations.

Engineering Team

Scalable & Secure

Our platform ensures the highest data protection standards while seamlessly integrating into existing systems.

Intelligent Automation

Leverage advanced AI technologies to automate complex, repetitive tasks in engineering processes.

Innovation Acceleration

Streamline engineering cycles and reduce time-to-market by automating routine tasks.

Powerful Features

Automate the routine with artificial intelligence and machine learning at scale.

Import Data
Assign AI Assistants
Scale Workflows

GenAI Workflows

Get repetitive tasks done within minutes, at scale.

AI Assistants

Automate manual workloads within your Team.

Knowledge Collections

Find the information you need, when you need it.

Can you help me ... ?
Sure, here is what you need ...
Great! Can you add ...

Intern AI Chat

Get help from your AI assistant, in real-time.

Build to integrate

Choose the AI model and hosting that best fits your needs.

On Premise
  • Jasmin Thyson
  • System Engineer
  • Automotive

AI streamlines my routine tasks, so I can fully focus on driving innovation and solving problems.

Key Statistics

Discover the benefits of leveraging generative AI for engineering task automation.

Productivity Gains

Documentation (35%), Code Writing (34%), Testing (20%), Project Management (20%), Average Productivity Gains (19%)

Employee Satisfaction

Senior software professionals believe that generative AI will have a positive impact on job satisfaction

Competitive Advantage

Organizations are gaining multiple benefits from leveraging generative AI for engineering task automation.

Secure for every user,
every time

RAGNA is designed to keep your data safe, secure and in your control.

Hosted in Europe or On-Premise

RAGNA can be hosted in your own data center or in a cloud of your choice.

No training data for LLMs

RAGNA only uses AI models where the input data is not used for re-training of the models.

Role Based Access


Define who can access what data and what actions are allowed.

Data segregation


Data is separated by organisation using row-level access mechanisms (RLS).

Audit Protokolls


All operations are monitored, recorded and can be analysed in detail at any time.

Custom Data Retention


Decide yourself how long we should retain your chat and company data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we get asked about RAGNA.